Download myheritage family tree builder 8.0
Download  myheritage family tree builder 8.0

download myheritage family tree builder 8.0

Help - Corrected and added some help topics. LDS - Updated the master temple list to include newly dedicated temples.

download myheritage family tree builder 8.0

Notes - Made Ctrl-Z (Undo) consistant in all RTF text boxes. Potential Problems - Fixed error 9 doing Potential Problems with large number of spouses. Relationships - Fixed a relationship term error. Reminders - Fixed leap year error for birthday reminders. Reports - Age option in Location Report is now enforced as Deluxe-Only. Reports - Disabled Label and Data font sizes on Pedigree charts. Reports - First time 6-gen pedigree chart printed, gen 6 had overwriting. Reports - Fixed Table of Contents entries in Multiple Lines of Descent report. Reports - Fixed a Living suppression problem on Ancestor book reports. Reports - Fixed extra blank child spouse info lines on text-version Family Group Sheets. Reports - Fixed formatting issues in FGR report when split children over page break was off. Reports - Fixed formatting of Lineage report. Reports - Fixed lat/long overprinting problem on location reports. Reports - Fixed lines between events on FGR.

download myheritage family tree builder 8.0

Reports - Fixed some Chronology View/Report privacy issues. Reports - Fixed some language labels in FGR report. Reports - Fixed some non-wordwrapping on Chronology report. Reports - Fixed sorting of rare date formats. Reports - Fixed too much room above parents on Individual report. Reports - Indiv report to text file wasn't formatting title. Reports - Suppression for marriage info fixed in Desc Narritive report. #MENU BAR FROZEN MYHERITAGE FAMILY TREE BUILDER 8.0 DOWNLOAD#.#MENU BAR FROZEN MYHERITAGE FAMILY TREE BUILDER 8.0 UPDATE#.#MENU BAR FROZEN MYHERITAGE FAMILY TREE BUILDER 8.0 HOW TO#.

Download  myheritage family tree builder 8.0